
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Yeshua Messiah is the Rock of Salvation, the Foundation of Safety 
He's the Word of God, the Sun of Heaven, the Light of the Universe
and He's the Only Person Who fully knows both Heaven and Earth
because (as He has said) He's the Only One Who came down to the Earth from Heaven.
He says that it would be easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away
than for one tiny dot of the Holy Scriptures to not be fulfilled...
Yeshua says that (indeed) Heaven and Earth will one day pass away...
but that His words will NEVER pass away!

There are more things in Heaven and Earth
than are dreamt of in your philosophy, O Mortal Man!
Hear the words of Yeshua, Who is the Word of God, the Bread of Life,
the True Manna that comes down to you from Heaven! 
As for anyone who has ears to hear, let him hear the Truth of Yeshua Messiah,
Who is the Holy One, the Word of God, the Voice of God!
As for anyone who has eyes to see, let him read the Truth in the Holy Scriptures
of the Christian Bible, which is also God's Own Truth revealed
in a Book written by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God!

Only Yeshua Messiah, the One True Son of God, has ever seen both Heaven and Earth,
and He came down to Earth to reveal to us Truth that had not been
previously revealed since the Creation of the Universe.
Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away.

Only the awesome Holy Spirit of God can, through Yeshua' sacrifice, rescue you
from sin, from death, from Hell-on-Earth & from Hell-after-Earth!

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